RGPV Diploma 5th Sem Previous Question Paper Estimating Costing and Valuation Dec 2024

Course Content
Unit – I Fundamentals of Estimating and Costing
 Estimating and Costing – Meaning, purpose, Administrative approval, Technical Sanction and
Budget provision.
 Types of estimates – Approximate and Detailed estimate.
 Types and Uses of Estimates: Revised estimate, Supplementary estimate, Repair and mainte-
nance estimate, renovation estimate.
 Roles and responsibility of Estimator.
 Checklist of items in load bearing and framed structure.
 Standard formats of Measurement sheet, Abstract sheet, Face sheet.
 Modes of measurement and desired accuracy in measurements for different items of work
as per IS:1200.
 Rules for deduction in different category of work as per IS:1200.
 Description / specification of items of building work as per PWD /DSR.
Unit– II Approximate Estimates
 Approximate estimate- Definition, Purpose.
 Methods of approximate estimate – Service unit method, Plinth area rate method, Cubical
content method, Typical bay method, Approximate quantity method (with simple numeri-
 Approximate estimate for roads, Railways, bridges/culvert, irrigation projects and water
supply projects.
Unit– III Detailed Estimate
 Detailed Estimate- Definition and Purpose, Data required for detailed estimate – Civil cost,
GST, Contingencies, Supervision charges, Agency charges, Procedure for preparation of de-
tailed estimate- Taking out quantities and Abstracting.
 Methods of Detailed Estimate- Unit quantity method and total quantity method (with simple
 Long wall and Short wall method, Centre line method.
 Bar bending schedule for footing, column, beam, Lintel, chajja and slab elements
 Provisions in detailed estimate: contingencies, work charged establishment, percentage
charges, water supply and sanitary Charges and electrification charges etc.
 Prime cost, Provisional sum, Provisional quantities, Bill of quantities, Spot items or Site items.
Unit– IV Estimate for Civil Engineering Works
 Earthwork – Quantities for roads, Embankment and canal by – Mid sectional area method,
mean sectional area method, Prismoidal and trapezoidal formula method.
 Detailed estimate for septic tank, Community well.
 Use of computer /softwares / programmes for detailed estimate Preparation of Civil Engi-
neering Works.
Unit– V Rate Analysis
 Rate Analysis: Definition, purpose and importance.
 Lead (Standard and Extra), lift, overhead charges, water charges and contractors’ profit,
 Procedure for rate analysis.
 Task work- Definition, types. Task work of different skilled labour for different items.
 Categories of labours, their daily wages, types and number of labours for different items of
 Transportation charges of materials – Lead and Lift, Hire charges of machineries and equip-
 Preparing rate analysis of different items of work pertaining to buildings and roads.


A Demrot is the founder of VideRime Online Learning, a leading engineering website. He did his BE Civil and M.Tech Structure from RGPV University, Bhopal and has been working as an Assistant Professor in a reputed college.

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