Category: Irrigation amp; Hydrology
Lacey’s Silt Theory of Canals According to what I know, Lacey’s silt theory is a method for designing irrigation canals that considers the interaction between water flow and sediment transport. It was developed by G. Lacey in the early 20th century. Lacey’s silt theory is based on the idea that...
Kennedy’s Silt Theory According to what I know, Kennedy’s Silt Theory states that the vertical eddies rising from the bed of an alluvial channel are responsible for keeping silt particles in suspension. The theory defines a critical velocity that will prevent silting or scouring. Kennedy’s equation relates the critical velocity to the...
Relation Between Duty, Delta, and Base Period To understand the relation between duty, delta, and base period in the context of irrigation engineering, we can break it down step by step: The relationship between duty (D), delta (Δ), and base period (B) can be expressed as follows: If field area...
Causes of Water logging are: (i) Seepage of water through canals: Seepage of water through the bed and sides of adjacent canals, reservoirs, etc., which are higher than the affected land, results in a high water table. If the soil at the site of canals, reservoirs, etc. is highly permeable,...
1.The irrigation engineering may be defined as The process of artificially supplying water to soil for raising crops A science of planning and designing an efficient and economic irrigation system The engineering of controlling and harnessing the various natural sources of water, by the construction of dams, canals and finally...
The modes of failure of gravity dam are:- OverTurning or Rotation about toe:- When the resultant force acting at any section if it passes outside the toe, the dam shall rotate or overturn about the toe. In other words, it means that if horizontal forces dominate over vertical forces the...
Duty of Crops (D) The amount of water(i.e. 1cumec of discharge) available for the crop for full growth during the entire base period is called duty. Suppose we are giving 5 cumecs of discharge for 500 hectares of land for a particular crop then Duty = 500/5 =100 hectares/cumec Here,...