RGPV Diploma 5th Sem Previous Question Paper Estimating Costing and Valuation Dec 2024

Course Content
Unit – I Fundamentals of Estimating and Costing
Estimating and Costing – Meaning, purpose, Administrative approval, Technical Sanction and
Budget provision.
Types of estimates – Approximate and Detailed estimate.
Types and Uses of Estimates: Revised estimate, Supplementary estimate, Repair and mainte-
nance estimate, renovation estimate.
Roles and responsibility of Estimator.
Checklist of items in load bearing and framed structure.
Standard formats of Measurement sheet, Abstract sheet, Face sheet.
Modes of measurement and desired accuracy in measurements for different items of work
as per IS:1200.
Rules for deduction in different category of work as per IS:1200.
Description / specification of items of building work as per PWD /DSR.
Unit– II Approximate Estimates
Approximate estimate- Definition, Purpose.
Methods of approximate estimate – Service unit method, Plinth area rate method, Cubical
content method, Typical bay method, Approximate quantity method (with simple numeri-
Approximate estimate for roads, Railways, bridges/culvert, irrigation projects and water
supply projects.
Unit– III Detailed Estimate
Detailed Estimate- Definition and Purpose, Data required for detailed estimate – Civil cost,
GST, Contingencies, Supervision charges, Agency charges, Procedure for preparation of de-
tailed estimate- Taking out quantities and Abstracting.
Methods of Detailed Estimate- Unit quantity method and total quantity method (with simple
Long wall and Short wall method, Centre line method.
Bar bending schedule for footing, column, beam, Lintel, chajja and slab elements
Provisions in detailed estimate: contingencies, work charged establishment, percentage
charges, water supply and sanitary Charges and electrification charges etc.
Prime cost, Provisional sum, Provisional quantities, Bill of quantities, Spot items or Site items.
Unit– IV Estimate for Civil Engineering Works
Earthwork – Quantities for roads, Embankment and canal by – Mid sectional area method,
mean sectional area method, Prismoidal and trapezoidal formula method.
Detailed estimate for septic tank, Community well.
Use of computer /softwares / programmes for detailed estimate Preparation of Civil Engi-
neering Works.
Unit– V Rate Analysis
Rate Analysis: Definition, purpose and importance.
Lead (Standard and Extra), lift, overhead charges, water charges and contractors’ profit,
Procedure for rate analysis.
Task work- Definition, types. Task work of different skilled labour for different items.
Categories of labours, their daily wages, types and number of labours for different items of
Transportation charges of materials – Lead and Lift, Hire charges of machineries and equip-
Preparing rate analysis of different items of work pertaining to buildings and roads.