Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning Practice Set-7


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1. The lowest temperature during the cycle in a vapour compression system occurs after

2.  The vertical and uniformly spaced lines on a psychrometric chart indicates

3. In a reversed Brayton cycle, the heat is absorbed by the air during

4. In a domestic refrigerator, a capillary tube controls the flow of refrigerant from the

5. The difference between dry bulb temperature and dew point temperature, is called

6. In case of sensible cooling of air, the coil efficiency is given by

7. The horizontal and non-uniformly spaced lines on a psychrometric chart indicates

8. In a vapour compression refrigeration system, a throttle valve is used in place of an expander because

9. The relative coefficient of performance is equal to

10. A refrigerant compressor is used to



A Demrot is the founder of VideRime Online Learning, a leading engineering website. He did his BE Civil and M.Tech Structure from RGPV University, Bhopal and has been working as an Assistant Professor in a reputed college.

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