Engineering Drawing MCQs Practice Set-6


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1. Some common blocks used by architectural drafters include __________.

2. When the receding lines are true length, and the projectors are at 45 degrees to the plane of projection, the oblique drawing is called this:

3. This is used in applications for nonferrous construction:

4. When positioning this feature of perspective projection, the centerline of the cone of visual rays should be directed toward the approximate center of the object:

5. An Auto-CAD term that refers to a pre-drawn object which is stored in a drawing file and can be inserted into any other drawing file as needed is a __________.

6. When the drafter types the word BLOCK or selects the Make Block tool from the Draw tool bar the _________ will appear.

7. In this type of drawing, vertical pipes may be revolved into the horizontal plane:

8. Newer versions of Auto-CAD utilize the _________ to make block library management very easy.

9. This should show what changes were made, when, and by whom:

10. In multi-view drawing it is common practice to include three views, the front, the top and the right side. If no dimensions are required on the right side view the drafter can ________.



A Demrot is the founder of VideRime Online Learning, a leading engineering website. He did his BE Civil and M.Tech Structure from RGPV University, Bhopal and has been working as an Assistant Professor in a reputed college.

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