HSSC JE Solved Paper 2019 1 Sep2019 Shift 1
HSSC JE Solved Paper Civil 2019 1 Sep2019 Shift 1
- Maharaja Agrasena ruled the Republican State is ————Agroha
- Which Register holds the address of instruction————-Program counter
- The major river which flows in the state is—————Yamuna
- The admixture that slows down the chemical process of hydration so that concrete remain plastic and workable for a longer period is———–Retarder
- Oxygen required for biological decomposition of dissolved solids or organic matter in waste water under aerobic condition at standard temperature is called ———-BOD
- In Limit state method design of RCC beam, if actual depth of neutral axis is greater than the limiting value, then the section is considered to be ————— Over reinforced section
- Computer presently come with a clock speed of more than——- 1 GHz
- Symon’s rain gauge is a non-automatic rain gauge
- Sahiwal is a indegenous variety of bull.
- The amount of chlorine consumed in the oxidation of impurities, before any disinfection is achieved is known as——————–Chlorine demand
- Rayleigh seismic waves makes a material particle oscillate in an elliptical path in the vertical plane
- To promote the development of forest, Haryana Government framed its own forest policy in the year——-2006
- An ideal fluid is defined as the fluid which is————–in-compressible and non-viscous.
- If a beam is fully loaded with the uniformly varying load, then the equation of the bending moment will be———–Cubic variation
- In Haryana, the elephant rehabilation center is located in the district of ——-Yamunanagar
- The Navagraha Kund is located at—————Kaithal
- As per IRC width of Carrigeway for a single lane is———3.75 m
- The setting action of cement is reduced by adding———–Gypsum
- Spain is not a federal nation
- Admiral rank is the supreme rank which will be awarded in the Indian Navy
- Pushyabhuti dynasty is also called as Vardhana dynasty
- The Financial Budget for 2017-18 was tabled by Haryana Finance Minister————Captain Abhimanyu
- Data bus provides a path to transfer data between CPU and—–Memory
- The ruins of Hampi brought to light by british official ————Colin Mackenzie
- Executive Department is led by———-Governor
- The Governor of every state in India is appointed by whom—————President
- Haryana was earlier known as——————– Brahmavarta
- Haryana came into existence as a separate state in the year——————-1st November 1966
- Indira Gandhi University was located at——————Rewari
- The curve of varying radius introduced between two branches of compound curve—————-Transition curve
- The speech signal of 3KHz is used to modulate a carrier signal of frequency 1 MHz, using amplitude modulation the frequencies of the side bands will be————–1.003 MHz and 0.997 MHz
- The river Yamuna runs from Yamunanagar to Faridabad to make the flood plains. these plains are divided into two parts, the higher one is called ——————–Bangar
- Kaunayen chicken a new indigenous chicken variety mainly found in which of the following region————–Manipur
- The river originated from the Har-ki-dun glacier in West Garhwal is—————-Yamuna
- SI unit of conductivity of a material is—————— Siemens/meter
- The ancient name of river Markanda is —————-Aruna
- The river which originates from Shahpur village and meets Chautang river at a place called Ladwa. It is known as river————- Rakshi
- The heavy soil found in Thanesar is known as————Khadar
- In which district of Haryana, manganese is found—————Mahendragarh
- PERT stands for ————-Programme Evaluation and Review Technique
- IUPAC name of {Ag(NH3)2} {Ag(CN)2} is————–Diammine silver (I) dicyanoargentate (I)
- Gurugram district derived its name from the name of —————–Dronacharya
- North Bridge or North Chipset is responsible for controlling the component like————-RAM
- What is the present rank of India in terms of fish production in the world—————India is the second largest producer in the world
- If 3 cumec of water supply is required for a crop sown in an area of 5100 hectares, the duty of irrigation water will be———————1700 hectares/cumec
- Rai Mukund Das—————–built a palace in Narnaul who was the Diwan of Mughal emperor, Shahjahan.
- Kalaam-e-Nairang is a compilation of poetry written by—————-Syed Ghulam Bhik
- USB supports a data speed of —————-12 mbps
- Rajiv Gandhi Thermal Power Stattion is located at—————————Khedar
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