Advanced Surveying MCQs Practice Set

1. If the equatorial distance between two meridians is 100 km, their distance at 60latitude will be

1000 km

600 km

800 km

500 km (Ans)

400 km

2. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following. In a spherical triangle

  • every angle is less than two right angles
  • sum of the three angles is equal to two right angles (Ans)
  • sum of the three angleless than six right angles and greater than two right angles
  • if the sum of any two sides is ꙥ, the sum of the angles opposite them is also ꙥ
  • sum of any two sides is greater than the third.

3. According to Napier’s Rules of circular parts for a right angled triangle, sine of middle part equals the product of

  • tangents of two adjacent parts
  • sines of two adjacent parts
  • cosines of two adjacent parts
  • cosines of two opposite parts
  • both (a) and (b) above (Ans)

4. In a spherical triangle ABC ,right angled at C, sin b equals

  • sin a cos A
  • cos a sin A
  • tan a cot A (Ans)
  • cot A tan a
  • none of these

5. In a spherical triangle ABC ,right angled at C, sin b equals to

  • sin c sin B (Ans)
  • cos a cos B
  • tan c tan B (Ans)
  • sin c cos B
  • cos c sin B

6. If E is the spherical excess and R the radius of the earth, the surface area of the triangle, is

  • R2E/ 90o
  • R2E/ 180(Ans)
  • R2E/ 270o
  • R2E/ 360o

7.If S is the sum of three angles of a spherical triangle, the spherical excess equals

  • S – 90o
  • S – 180o (Ans)
  • S – 270o
  • S – 360o

8. The greate circule whose plane is perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the earth, is called

  • equator
  • terrestrial equator
  • 0latitude
  • all the above (Ans)

9. The meridian of a place is

  • a great circle passing through the place and the poles
  • a great circle whose plane is perpendicular to the axis of rotation and it also passes through the place
  • a semi-circle which passes through the place and is terminated at the poles (Ans)
  • an arc of the great circle which passes through the place and is perpendicular to the equator

10. Latitude of a place is the angular distance from

  • Greenwich to the place
  • equator to the poles
  • equator to the nearer pole
  • equator to the nearer pole along the meridian of the place
  • none of these (Ans)

11. Longitude of a place is the angular distance between the meridian of the place and

  • the standard meridian
  • the international date line
  • that of Greenwich
  • both (a) and (c) of above (Ans)

12. Longitude are measured from 0to

  • 180eastward
  • 180westward
  • 180east or westward (Ans)
  • 360eastward
  • 360westward

13. International dateline is located along

  • standard meridian
  • Greenwich meridian
  • equator
  • 180longitude (Ans)
  • none of these

14. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following

  • latitudes north of the equator are taken as positive
  • latitudes south of the equator are taken as negative
  • longitudes east of Greenwich are taken as negative (Ans)
  • longitudes west of Greenwich are taken as positive
  • both (a) and (d) of the above

15. Places having same latitude

  • lie on the parallel of the latitude
  • are equidistant from the nearer pole
  • are equidistant from both the poles
  • are equidistant from the equator
  • all the above (Ans)

16. The length of a parallel of λ latitude between two meridians is equal to difference in longitudes multiplied by

sin λ

cos λ (Ans)

tan λ

cot λ

17. Pick up the correct statement from the following

  • one degree of longitude has greatest value at the equator (Ans)
  • one degree of longitude has greatest value at the poles
  • one degree of latitude decreases from the equator to the poles
  • one degree of latitude has greatest value at the poles

18. A nautical mile is

  • one minute arc of the great circle passing through two points
  • one minute arc of the longitude
  • 6080 ft
  • 1855.109 m
  • all the above (Ans)

19. The longitudes of two places at latitude 60N are 93o

  • E and 97w. Their departure is
  • 5100 nautical miles
  • 5700 neutical miles (Ans)
  • 120 neutical miles
  • 500 neutical miles

20. Pick up the correct statement from the following. The difference between the longitudes of the places is obtained

  • by subtracting their longitudes if places are in the same hemisphere
  • by adding their longitudes if places are in the different hemispheres
  • by subtracting the sum of their longitudes exceeding 180from 360if places are in different hemispheres (Ans)
  • all the above 

21. The shortest distance between two places measured along the surface of the earth , is

length of the equator between their longitudes

length of the parallel between their longitudes

length of the arc of the great circle passing through them (Ans)

none of these

22. Pick up the correct statement from the following:

centre of the celestial sphere is taken as the position of the observer

centre of the celestial sphere is taken as the centre of the earth

stars move and maintain their relative positions

celestial bodies through fixed, appear to revolve from east to west round the celestial pole.

All the above (Ans)

23. The zenith is the point on the celestial sphere

east of observer

west of observer

north of observer

south of observer (Ans)

above the observer.

24. The point on the celestial sphere vertically below the observer’s position, is called


celestial point

nadir (Ans)


25. The plane at right angle to the zenith nador line and passing through the centre of the earth, is called

rational horizon

true horizon

celestial horizon

all the above (Ans)

26. The circle in which a plane tangent to the earth’s surface at the point of observation, intersects the celestial sphere, is called

visible horizon

sensible horizon (Ans)

celestial horizon

true horizon

none of the above 

27. Pick up the correct statement from the following :

north end of the polar axis is known as north pole

south end of the polar axis is known as south pole

point where polar axis when produced northward intersects the celestial sphere, is known as north celestial pole

point where polar axis when produced southward intersects the celestial sphere, is known as south celestial pole

all the above (Ans)

28. The great circle along which the sum appears to trace on the celestial sphere with earth as centre during the year, is called


celestial equator

ecliptic (Ans)

none of these

29. The angle between the plane of the equator and the plane of the ecliptic, is known as obliquity of the ecliptic and its value is


23o27′ (Ans)



30. At the first point of Aeries, the sun moves



from south to north of the equator (Ans)

from north to south of the equator

31. The point at which sun’ s declination changes from north to south, is known as

first point of Aeries

first point of Libra

vernal equinox

autumnal equinox

both (b) and (d) of the above (Ans)

32. The position of the sun when its north declination is maximum is known as

venal equinox

autumnal equinox

summer solstice (Ans)

winter solstice

33. The declination and right ascension of the sun are each equal to zero on

March 21 (Ans)

June 21

September 21

December 22

34. The declination and right ascension of the sun becomes 23o27′ N and 90respectively on

March 21

June 21 (Ans)

September 21

December 22

35. The declination and right ascension of the sun becomes 23o27′ N and 270respectively on

March 21

June 21

September 21

December 22 (Ans)

36. The sun’s declination remains north between

March 21 to June 21

June 21 to September 21

September 21 to December 21

December 21 to March 21

both (a) and (b) of above (Ans)

37. The great circle which passes through the zenith, nadir and the poles, is known as

meridian (Ans)

vertical circle

prime vertical

none of these

38. The prime vertical passes through

the east point of the horizon

the west point of the horizon

the zenith point of the obsever

the nadir point of horizon

all the above (Ans)

39. The latitude of the observer’s position, is

elevation of the elevated pole

declination of the observer’s zenith

angular distance along the observer’s meridian between equator and the observer

north or south according as the observer is north of equator or south of equator

all the above (Ans)

40. The altitude of a heavenly body is its angular distance, measured on the vertical circle passing through the body, above


horizon (Ans)


none of these

41. The angular distance of a heavenly body from the equator, measured along its meridian, is called

  • declination (Ans)
  • altitude
  • zenith distance
  • co-latitude

42. The angle between the observer’s meridian and declination circle of a heavenly body, is known as

hour angle (Ans)

right ascension



43. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following. The angular distance of heavenly bodies on observer’s meridian measured from the pole, is

co-declination (Ans)



polar distance

none of these

44. Right ascension of a heavenly body is its equatorial angular distance measured

westward from the first point of Libra

eastward from the first point of Aeries (Ans)

westward from the first point of Aeries

eastward from the first point of Libra

45. Latitude of the observer’s position is equal to altitude of

north pole

pole star

celestial pole (Ans)

all the above

46. The position of a heavenly body on the celestial sphere can be completely specified by

its altitude and azimuth

its declination and hour angle

its declination and right ascension

all the above (Ans)

47. The most convenient co-ordinate system for specifying the relative positions of heavenly bodies on the celestial sphere, is

altitude and azimuth system

declination and hour angle system

declination and right ascension system (Ans)

declination and altitude system

azimuth and declination system

48. Circumpolar stars

rotate round the north pole

rotate round the celestial pole

remain always above the horizon (Ans)

are seldom seen near the pole star

none of these

49. For any star to be a circumpolar star, its

declination must be 0o

declination must be 90o

distance from the poe must be less than the latitude of the observer (Ans)

hour angle must be 180o

50. The altitude of a circumpolar star is maximum when it is

at east elongation

at upper culmination (Ans)

at west elongation

at lower culmination

51. If θ and δ be the latitude of an observer and declination of a heavenly body respectively, the upper culmination of the body will be south of zenith if its zenith distance, is

δ – θ (Ans)

θ – δ

θ + δ

θ + δ/2

52. A star may culminate at zenith if its declination is

greater than the longitude of the place

less than the latitude of the place

equal to the latitude of the place (Ans)

none of these

53. If a star whose declination is 60o N culminates at zenith, its altitude at the lower culmination, is






54. the altitudes of a circumpolar star at culminations are 70and 10, both culminations being north of zenith. The latitude of the place,is






55. In Q.NO.54, declination of the star, is






56. The polaris remains below horizon at

10o N

50o N latitude


5o S latitude (Ans)

57. The sidereal day is the time interval between two successive upper transits of

mean sun

first point of Aries (Ans)

first point of Libra

the polar star


58. Pick up the correct statement from the following:

sidereal time at any instant is equal to the hour angle of the first point of Aries

local sidereal time of any place is equal to the right ascension of its meridian

sidereal time is equal to the right ascension of a star at its upper transit

all the above (Ans)

59. Equation of time which is the difference between apparent solar time and mean solar time at any instant, vanishes during one year




four times (Ans)

five times

60. The true and mean suns occupy the same meridian at the same time on

April 15

June 14

September 1

December 25

all the above (Ans) 

61. The difference in longitude of two places expressed in time is equal to the difference in their

sidereal time

apparent solar time

mean solar time

all the above (Ans)

62. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:

apparent solar time is measured from the lower transit of the true sun

mean solar time is measured from the lower transit of the mean sun

sidereal time is measured from the upper transit of the first point of Aries (Ans)

63. The hour angle of the heavenly body for Greenwich meridian equals the hour angle of the body for any other meridian + longitude:

mean sun

true sun

vernal equinox


all the above (Ans)

64. With standard meridian as 82o30′ E the standard time at longitude 90o E is 8 h 30 m. The local mean time at the place will be

7 h 00 m

7 h 30 m

8 h 00 m

8 h 30 m

9 h 00 m (Ans)

65. G.M.T. Corresponding to given mean time, equals

L.M.T. – East longitude in time (Ans)

L.M.T. + East longitude in time

L.M.T. – West longitude in time

none of these

66. In a tropical year, the number of sidereal days, are




366.2422 (Ans)


67. In a tropical year, the number of sidereal days, are

one less than mean solar days

one more than mean solar days (Ans)

equal to mean solar days

none of these 

68. At eastern elongation, the pole star moves



northward (Ans)


69. At western elongation, the pole star moves




southward (Ans)

70. At upper culmination, the pole star moves


westward (Ans)



71. At lower culmination, the pole star moves

eastward (Ans)




72. If a is the observed altitude, the refraction correction in seconds, is

58” cot a (Ans)

58” tan a

58” sin a

58” cos a

 73. Pick up the correct statement from the following:

refraction correction is zero when the celestial body is in the zenith

refraction correction is 33′ when the celestial body is on the horizon

refraction correction of celestial bodies depends upon their altitudes

all the above (Ans)

74. The correction for parallax, is

– 8”.8 cos a

+ .8” sin a

+ 8” .8 cos a (Ans)

– 8” .8 cos a

75. Pick up the correct statement from the following:

correction for refraction is always negative

correction for parallax is always positive

correction for semi-diameter is always negative (Ans)

correction for dip is always negative

none of these

76. Pick up the correct statement from the following:

ursa minor’s remains always north of pole star

polar star remains always north of polaris

polaris remains always north of ursa minor’s

ursa minor’s pole star and polaris are the names of the same star (Ans)

77. The polaris describes a small circle round the pole whose radius is approximately





78. If the altitudes of a star at its upper and lower transits are 60o30′ and 19o30′ respectively, the latitude of the place, is





79. The latitude of a place was obtained by subtracting the zenith distance of a star from its declination, the observed star was between

horizon and equator

equator and zenith

zenith and pole

pole and horizon (Ans)

80. The latitude of a place was obtained by subtracting the declination of a star from its zenith distance, the observed star was between

horizon and equator (Ans)

equator and zenith

zenith and pole

pole and horizon

81. Polaris is usually observed for the determination of the latitude when it is

at culmination (Ans)

at elongation

neither at cilmination nor at elongation

either at cilmination or at elongation

82. Polaris is usually observed for the determination of the azimuth when it is

at culmination

at elongation (Ans)

neither at cilmination nor at elongation

either at cilmination or at elongation

83. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following. High oblique photographs

may have tilt up to 30o

may include the image of the horizon

may not include the image of the horizon

none of these (Ans)

84. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following

Aerial photographs may be either vertical or oblique

vertical photographs are taken with the axis of camera pointing vertically downward

vertical photographs are used for most accurate maps

on oblique photographs, scale variation is larger as compared to that of vertical photographs

all the above (Ans)

85. The point where a vertical line through the optical centre of the camera lens intersects the ground, is known as

ground principle point

ground plumb point (Ans)


perspective centre

86. The foot of the perpendicular on the picture plane through the optical centre of the camera lens, is known as


principle point (Ans)

perspective centre

plumb line

87. The point on the photograph where bisector between the vertical line through optical centre of the camera lens and the plate perpendicular meets, is known as

isocentre (Ans)

principle point

perspective centre

plumb point

88. Homologous point is

ground isocentre

photo principle point

ground principle point

all the above (Ans)

89. If f is the focal length of the camera lens and θ is the angle of tilt, the distance of the plumb point from the principle point will be

f sin θ

f cos θ

f tan θ (Ans)

f sec θ

90. The ratio of distances of the plumb point and isocentre from the principle point of a vertical photograph, is


2 (Ans)




91. From the principle point the horizon point lies on the principal line at a distance of

f sin θ

f cos θ

f tan θ (Ans)

f cot θ

92. The product of the distances of plumb point and horizon point of a vertical photograph from its principal point, is






93. the height displacement on a vertical photograph

increases as the horizontal distance increases from the principal point

increases as the ground elevation increases

decreases as the flying height increases

all the above (Ans)

94. On vertical photographs, height displacement is

positive for points above datum

negative for points below datum

zero for points vertically below the air station

all the above (Ans)

95. If the image of a triangulation station of R.L.500 m is 4 cm from the principal point of a vertical photo taken from an altitude of 2000 m, above datum, the height displacement will be

2 mm

4 mm

6 mm

8 mm

10 mm (Ans)

96. The relation between the air base(B), photographic base(b), flying height (H) and the focal length(f) of a vertical photograph, is

B = bH/f (Ans)

B = f/bH

B = b/fH

B = H/bf

97. The normal longitudinal overlap is generally kept

50 %

60 % (Ans)

70 %

75 %

98. The net ground area of a vertical photograph 20cm * 20cm on scale 1 : 10000 having overlaps 60 % and 30 %, is

0.50 sq km

0.56 sq km

0.60 sq km

0.64 sq km (Ans)

99. If 16 flight lines are run perpendicular to an area 30 km wide, their spacings on a photographical map on scale 1:50000, will be

1 cm

2 cm

3 cm

4 cm (Ans)

5 cm

100. The maximum error in radial line assumption, is

(h/H)f tan θ (Ans)

(h/H)f2 tan θ

(h/H)f2 sin θ

(h/H)f cos θ

101. If the general ground level of any area is 10 % of the flying height, the principal points may be used as the centres of radial directions for small scale mapping even in tilted photograph upto



3o (Ans)


102. In a truely vertical photograph

principal point coincides the isocentre

iso-centre coincides the plumb point

plumb point coincides the principal point

principal point, iso-centre and plumb point coincide

all the above (Ans)

103. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following :

in truely vertical photographs without relief angles are true at the plumb point

in tilted photographs without relief, angles are true at the iso-centre

in tilted photographs with relief, angles are true at the principal point (Ans)

none of these

104. The distance between the minor control point and the principal point should be equal to

base line of the left photograph of stereopair

base line of the right photograph of stereopair

sum of the base line of stereo pair

mean of the base lines of the stereo pair (Ans)

105. The slotted template method

is prepared, by graphical method

is suitable for large areas with less control

is rapid and accurate

may be done on any scale

all the above (Ans)

106. Parallax bar measures



parallax difference (Ans)

height difference

107. The difference of height of two points whose parallax difference is 0.8 mm on a pair of stereo pair taken from a height H is 100 m. If mean photo base is 95.2 mm, the flying height is

8000 m

10000 m

12000 (Ans)

14000 m

108. The stereo plotting instruments are generally manufactured on the principle of

optical projection

optical mechanism projection

mechanical projection

all the above (Ans)

109. α and β are the angles subtended by a point of elevation h at their air station with respective plumb points. Photo scale and focal length of the lens being S and f respectively. Parallax displacement of the point due to relief, is

h tan α/S

h tan β/S

h(tan α + tan β)/S (Ans)

h(tan α – tan β)/S

110. The displacement of the pictured position of a point of h elevation on a vertical photograph taken with a camera of 30 cm focal length, from an altitude of 3000 m, is

4.4 mm

5.5 mm

6.5 mm

7.5 mm (Ans)

10 mm

111. Rotation of the camera at exposure about its vertical axis, is known as

swing (Ans)



none of these

112. Rotation of the camera at exposure about horizontal axis normal to the line of flight, is known as



tip (Ans)

none of these

113. Rotation of the camera at exposure about the line of flight, is known as


tilt (Ans)


none of these

114. The rate of change of parallax dp/dh with respect to change in h, may be expressed as


fB(H-h)2 (Ans)



115. The difference of parallax for a given difference in elevation is independent of

focal length of the camera

overall size of the photo graphs

percentage of overlap

all the above (Ans)

116. The parallax equation Δp = (BmΔh/H-h) is applicable to entire overlap of the photographs only if parallax is measured

normal to base line

parallel to base line (Ans)

both (a) and(b)

neither (a) nor (b)

117. Assuming human normal vision distance 25 cm, smallest measurable angle 20”, and introcular distance 6.5 cm, the smallest depth to be discerned is

0.1 mm (Ans)

0.5 mm

1.00 mm

1.1 mm

118. To obtained photographs of an area of 1000 m average elevation, on scale 1:30000, with a camera of 30 cm focal length, the flying height is

4000 m

5000 m

6000 m(Ans)

7000 m

119. Homologous points are

opposite corners of a photograph

nodal points of the camera lens

corresponding points on the ground and photograph (Ans)

plumb points of stereo pair of photographs

120. The following points form a pair of homologous points:

photo principal point and ground principal point

photo isocentre and ground isocentre

photo plumb point and ground plumb point

all the above (Ans)

121. A plate parallel is the line on the plane of the negative

parallel to the principal line

perpendicular to the principal line (Ans)

along the bisector of the angle between the principal line and a perpendicular line through principal plane

none of these

122. For plane ground the scale of a vertical photograph will be same as that of a tiled photograph along the photo parallel through

isocentre (Ans)

plumb point

principal point

none of these

123. If v,t and f/H are the ground speed of the aircraft, the shutter speed of the camera and the scale of the photograph respectively, then the amount of image displacement

i = v.t.H/f

i = v.f/t.H (Ans)

i = v.t (f/H)

i = tH/v.f

124. the parallax of a point on the photograph is due to

ground elevation

flying height

length of air base

focal length of the camera

all the above (Ans)

125. The want of correspondence in stereo photographs

is a good property

is a function of tilt (Ans)

is not affected by the change of flying height between photographs

is minimum when θ is 3o

126. 23cm * 23cm photographs are taken from a flying height with a camera of focal length of 3600 m and 15.23 cm respectively. A parallax difference of 0.01 mm represents

1 m (Ans)

2 m

3 m

4 m

5 m

127. The rotation of aircraft about the line of flight, is designated by the letter

ω, and is simetimes called ‘roll’ (Ans)

φ, and is simetimes called ‘pitch’

χ, and is simetimes called ‘swing’

none of these

128. The rotation of aircraft about Z-axis, is designated by the letter

ω, and is simetimes called ‘roll’

φ, and is simetimes called ‘pitch’

χ, and is simetimes called ‘swing’ (Ans)

none of these

129. The rotation of aircraft about Y-axis, is designated by the letter

ω, and is simetimes called ‘roll’

φ, and is simetimes called ‘pitch’ (Ans)

χ, and is simetimes called ‘swing’

none of these

130. If the distance between the projectors is altered by a movement along X-axis of one projector,

the length of the air base is increased

the scale of the model is altered

y-parallax is not affected

relative orientation is not affected

all the above (Ans)

131. By raising the z-column of right projector, maximum y-parallax is introduced in the model at

position 1

position 2

position 4

position 6

position 4 and 6 (Ans)

132. By applying clockwise swing to right projector, maximum y-parallax is introduced in the model at

position 1 (Ans)

position 2

position 4

position 6

133. The movement of the projector in y-direction, introduces i the model a y-parallax

maximum at position 1

maximum at position 2

maximum at position 5 and 6

maximum at position 3 and 4

equally throughout the model (Ans)

134. The method of surveying by triangulation was first introduced by the Dutchman Snell in


1615 (Ans)




135. In triangulation surveys

the area is divided into triangular figures

control stations are located from which detailed surveys are carried out

sides are not measured excepting the baseline

angular measurements are only resorted to

all the above (Ans)

136. Triangulation surveys

planimetric control

height control

both planimetric and height control (Ans)

none of these

137. Triangulation surveys are carried out for locating

control points for surveys of large areas

control points for photogrammetric surveys

engineering works, i.e. Terminal poibts of long tunnels, bridge abutments, etc.

All the above (Ans)

138. Invar tapes used for measuring base lines, is made of nickel-iron alloy containing nickel

24 %

36 % (Ans)

40 %

60 %

139. Limiting gradient for locating the base line on evenly-sloping ground, is

1 in 12 (Ans)

1 in 10

1 in 8

1 in 6

140. The correction applied to the measured base of length L is

tension = (P – PS)L/AE

sag = (L3w2/24P2) where w is the weight of tape/m

slope = (h2/2L + h4/8L3 ) where h is height difference of end supports

reduction to mean sea level = Lh/R

all the above (Ans)

141. The negative sign is assigned to

reduction to mean sea level

correction for horizontal alignment

correction for slope

correction for slope

all the above (Ans)

142. The station where observations are not made, but the angles at the station are used in triangulation series, is known as

satellite station

subsidiary station

pivot station (Ans)

main station

143. The station which is selected close to the main triangulation station, to avoid intervening obstruction, is not known as

satellite station

eccentric station

false station

pivot station (Ans)

144. Systematic errors

always follow some definite mathematical law

can be removed by applying corrections to the observed values

either make the result too great or too small

are also known as cumulative errors

all the above (Ans)

145. accidental errors

do not follow any definite mathemetical law

cannot be removed by applying corrections to the observed values

are generally small

are also known as compensating errors

all the above (Ans)

146. The equation which is obtained by multiplying each equation by the coefficient of its unknowns and by adding the equations thus formed, is known as

observation equation

conditional equation

normal equation (Ans)

none of these

147. In observations of equal precision, the most probable values of the observed quantities are those that render the sum of the squares of the residual errors a minimum, is the fundamental principle of

gauss’ mid latitude formula

delamber’s method

legendr’s method

least square method (Ans)

148. The moon rotates round the earth once in every

29 days

29.35 days (Ans)

29.53 days

30 days

149. The time interval between successive transits of the moon, is

24 hours 10 minutes

20 hours 25 minutes

24 hours 50 minutes (Ans)

23 hours 50 minutes

23 hours 25 minutes

 150. The solar tidal force divided by lunar tidal force is


1/2 (Ans)



151. Spring tides are caused when

sun and moon are in line with earth

solar tidal force acts opposite to lunar tidal force

solar tidal force and lunar tidal force both coincide (Ans)

none of these

152. the station pointer is generally used in

triangulation surveying

astronomical surveying

hydrographical surveying (Ans)

photogrammetric surveying

153. An aerial photograph may be assumed as

parallel projection

orthogonal projection

central projection (Ans)

none of these

154. perspective centre relates to

parallel projection

orthogonal projection

central projection (Ans)

none of these

155. The point where vertical line passing through the perspective centre intersects the plane of the photograph, is known as

photo plumb point (Ans)

plumb point

nadir point


none of these

156. The orthogonal projection of the perspective centre on a tilted photograph, is called



principal point (Ans)

plumb point

157. The distance between the projection centre and the photograph, is called

principal distance (Ans)

principal line

isocentre distance

focal length

158. The principal line is the line joining the principal point and


isocentre (Ans)

perspective centre

none of these

159. The principal plane contains

nadir point


principal point

principal axis and principal line

all the above (Ans)

160. To have greatest coverage of the area, the type of photography used, is

high oblique (Ans)

low oblique


none of these

161. The coverage is least if photography is

high oblique

low oblique

vertical (Ans)

none of these

162. H is the flying height above mean ground level and f is the principal distance of a vertical photograph. The mean scale of the photographs is

H.f (Ans)



H + f

none of these

163. The scale of the photography taken from a height of 300 m, with a camera of focal length 15cm, is



1:20000 (Ans)


164. The flying height of the camera is 1000 m above mean ground level, the distance of the top of a minar from a nadir point is 10 cm and the relief displacement of minar is 7.2 mm. The height of the minar, is

52 m

62 m

72 m (Ans)

82 m

165. The relief displacement of minar 72 m high on photograph is 7.2 mm and its top appears 10cm away from principal point. The flying height of the camera, is

500 m

1000 m (Ans)

1500 m

2000 m

166. The average eye base is assumed as

58 mm

60 mm

62 mm

64 mm

72 mm (Ans)

167. In field astronomy, the quantities observed are entirely


angles (Ans)


all of these

168. The main object of the astronomer to obtain

astronomical latitude

astronomical longitude

astronomical bearing

all of these (Ans)

169. The nautical mile is the length of

1 minute of latitude

1 minute of longitude (Ans)

1 degree of latitude

1 degree of longitude

170. If two points differing by 1o of latitude and of the same longitude is 110 km apart on the earth, then two astronomical positions on the moon is about

10 km

25 km

30 km (Ans)

50 km

171. Stellar astronomy deals with

plane surveying

geodetic surveying

star observations (Ans)

planet observations

172. The nearest star is so far away from the earth that the directions to it from two diametrically opposites points on the earth deffers less than

0.01 second

0.001 second

0.0001 second (Ans)

none of these

173. A star in northern sphere is said to transit

when its altitude is maximum

when its azimuth is 180o

when it is in south

all the above (Ans)

174. The angle between the axis of earth and the vertical at the station of observation is called

astronomical latitude

astronomical co-latitude (Ans)

co-declination of star

declination of star

175. The angle between the direction of star and the direction of earth’s axis of rotation is called

co-declination (Ans)




176. When a star transits at the zenith

the astronomical triangle becomes of the largest area

the astronomical triangle reduces to an arc joining the pole and the zenith

the angle of elevation of the star is 90o

all the above (Ans)

Thanks for Visiting:)


A Demrot is the founder of VideRime Online Learning, a leading engineering website. He did his BE Civil and M.Tech Structure from RGPV University, Bhopal and has been working as an Assistant Professor in a reputed college.

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