50 Civil Engineering MCQs for Competitive exams

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50 Civil Engineering MCQs for Competitive exams:

  1. Wall footings is a type of spread foundation.
  2. In arches and lintels, soffit is the under surface of an arch.
  3. Residential buildings belonging to group ‘A’ according to the National Building Code.
  4. The piles driven at an inclination to resist inclined loads are known as batter piles.
  5. The safe bearing capacity of compact and dry coarse sand is 450 kN/sq.m.
  6. Reinforced brick masonry wall is of 100mm thick.
  7. Jar laboratory test is done to determine approximately the dosage of coagulant.
  8. If the colour of sewage is black or dark, it indicates stale sewage.
  9. The impurities in water such as floating objects, larger and heavy objects are removed by Screening.
  10. The cost which includes royalties, license fees, some kind of taxes, initial expenses, etc. is Fixed indirect cost.
  11. The activity with minimum cost slope should be crashed first.
  12. Tallies are fixed at every metre length for chains of 10m.
  13. Give the full form of R.B. is Reduced Bearing.
  14. According to Hooke’s law, stress is proportional to strain.
  15. The moment area method is not suitable for Continuous beams.
  16. The ratio between ultimate stress and working stress is called Factor of safety.
  17. The SI units of stress is N/ sq.mm.
  18. In a cantilever beam, slope and deflection is maximum at free end.
  19. The flow in which the velocity at any given time changes with respect to space is known as Non- uniform Flow.
  20. The frictional resistance for turbulent flow is proportional to the density of fluid.
  21. According to the shape of opening, the notches is classified as Triangular notch.
  22. From the following assumption made in the derivation of Bernoulli’s equation is incorrect—-The flow is unsteady.
  23. Bridge is always constructed along the roads.
  24. The rail sections whose head dimensions are more than that of their foot are called bull headed rail.
  25. Major bridge having length between 30 m to 120 m.
  26. The quantities of white-washing are computed in sq.m.
  27. SI unit of electric current is Ampere.
  28. The full form of G.C.I. sheet is Galvanized Corrugated Iron sheet.
  29. Daily Attendance is recorded in nominal roll( Part-I) of Muster Roll.
  30. The wall made of two parallel level of masonry separated by a continuous air space is Cavity Wall.
  31. The major constituent in silicious rocks is Silica.
  32. The defect is indicated by the curvature formed in the direction of length of timber is Bow defect.
  33. Alumina ingredient imparts quick setting property of cement.
  34. The diameter of plunger used in Vicat apparatus is of 10 mm.
  35. It is estimated that about 120 calories of heat is generated in the hydration of 1 gm of cement.
  36. A title block does not carry Abbreviations information.
  37. The ratio of the plasticity index to the flow index is called toughness index.
  38. When assessing the strength of a structure for the limit state of collapse, the value of partial safety factor should be taken as  1.5  for concrete.
  39. The size of normal fillets shall be taken as the minimum weld leg size.
  40. The maximum shear stress for M 30 concrete grade is 3.5.
  41. A load value obtained by multiplying the characteristic load with a load factor is Factored load.
  42. Sprinkler Irrigation method, water is sprayed in the air simulating rainfall.
  43. Each horizontal layer of bricks laid in mortar in any brickwork is called a course.
  44. To determine width of foundation, the total load is divided by the safe bearing capacity of soil.
  45. Educational buildings belonging to group ‘B’ according to the National Building Code.
  46. The activity that has total float equal to zero and lies on critical path is called critical activity.
  47. The instrument used for registering the number of revolutions of a wheel is odometer.
  48. Venturimeter is based on the principle of Bernoulli’s equation.
  49. Reflux valves are also known as Check valves.
  50. In slow sand filters, the rate of filtration is 100 to 200 litres per hour per sq.m. of filter area.

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A Demrot is the founder of VideRime Online Learning, a leading engineering website. He did his BE Civil and M.Tech Structure from RGPV University, Bhopal and has been working as an Assistant Professor in a reputed college.

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