Building Materials MCQs Set-9


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1. The preparation of surface of stone to obtain plain edges or to obtain stones of required size and shape is known as

2. Pick up the correct statement regarding low heat cement from the following:

3. A heavy stone is suitable for

4. A 1st class brick immersed in water for 24 hours, should not absorb water (by weight) more than

5. Granite is not suitable for ordinary building purpose because

6. For melting one tonne of cast iron

7. Plywood is made from

8. For preparing porcelains, the clay should beFor preparing porcelains, the clay should be

9. The slump recommended for mass concrete is about

10. Red short iron cracks when bent due to the presence of



A Demrot is the founder of VideRime Online Learning, a leading engineering website. He did his BE Civil and M.Tech Structure from RGPV University, Bhopal and has been working as an Assistant Professor in a reputed college.

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