If σs is the shear stress in bar and Ԏbd is the design band stress, then the development length of a bar of diameter  Φ is given by

QuestionsCategory: Civil EngineeringIf σs is the shear stress in bar and Ԏbd is the design band stress, then the development length of a bar of diameter  Φ is given by
VideRime Staff asked 3 years ago

If σs is the shear stress in bar and Ԏbd is the design band stress, then the development length of a bar of diameter  Φ is given by

  1. 4 Φ σs
  2.  Φ σs/4 𝜏bd     (Ans)
  3. σs/3 𝜏bd
  4. Φ σs/3 𝜏bd