RGPV Diploma 5th Sem Previous Question Paper Design of RCC and Steel Dec 2024

Course Objectives:
Following are the objectives of this course:
To learn the concept of limit state design for tension and compression steel members.
To learn the concept of limit state design of steel beams.
To understand design of RCC elements.
To know the design of short and long RCC columns.
Course Content:
Unit – I Design of Steel Tension and Compression Members (Limit State Method)
- Types of sections used for Tension members.
- Strength of tension member by- yielding of section, rupture of net cross-section and block
shear. - Design of axially loaded single angle and double angle tension members with bolted and
welded connections. - Types of sections used as compression member, Calculation of effective length, Radius of
gyration and slenderness ratio, Permissible values of slenderness ratio as per IS 800, Design
compressive stress. - Introduction to built up sections, lacing and battening (Meaning and purpose), Diagrams of
single and double lacing and battening system. (No numerical problems). - Design of axially loaded single and double angle struts connected by bolted and welded
connections with gusset plate.
Unit– II Design of Steel beams (Limit State Method) - Standard beam sections, Bending stress calculations.
- Design of simple I and channel section.
- Check for shear as per IS 800.
Unit– III Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams by Limit State Method - Concept of Limit state, Stress block diagram, Introduction to singly and doubly reinforced
sections, IS 456 - Design of singly reinforced beam, concept of under reinforced, over reinforced and balanced
section, Simple numerical problem on ultimate moment of resistance and design of beam
section - Design of doubly reinforced sections, stress and strain diagrams, depth of neutral axis, sim-
ple numerical problems on ultimate moment of resistance of reinforced beam, Calculation
of Ast and Asc.
Unit– IV Shear, Bond and Development length in Design of RCC member - Nominal shear stress in RCC section, Design shear strength of concrete, Design of shear re-
inforcement, Minimum Shear Reinforcement, Provisions of IS 456, forms of shear reinforce-
ment - Types of bond, Bond stress, check for bond stress, Determination of Development length in
tension and compression members and check as per codal provisions, Anchorage value of
900 hook, Lapping of bars. - Simple numericals on: Shear reinforcement, Adequacy of section for shear.
- Introduction to serviceability limit state check
Unit– V Design of axially loaded RCC Column - Definition and classification of column, Limit state of compression members, Effective
length of column. - Provisions of IS 456 for minimum steel, cover, maximum steel, spacing of ties etc.
- Design of axially loaded short column – Square, Rectangular, and Circular only.
Suggested learning resources: - Shah, V. L., and Gore, V., Limit State Design of Steel Structures, Structures Publications, Pune.
- Dayarathnam P., Design of Steel Structures, S. Chand and Company, Delhi.
- Subramanian N., Design of Steel Structures, Oxford University Press.
- Sairam, K.S., Design of Steel Structures, Pearson Publication, Chennai, Delhi.
- Shah, V. L., and Karve, S.R., Limit State Theory and Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures,
Structures Publications, Pune,2014. - Sinha N.C., and Roy S.K., Fundamentals of Reinforced Concrete, S. Chand & Co., New Delhi.
- Krishna Raju, and N. Pranesh, R.N., Reinforced Concrete Design Principles and Practice, New
Age International, Mumbai. - Pillai, S.U., and Menon, Devdas, Reinforced concrete Design, McGraw Hill Publications, New
Delhi. - Varghese, P. C., Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, Prentice Hall India Learning Pri-
vate Limited, Delhi.