If the value of uniformity coefficient of a soil sample is nearly equal to one. This sample will be designated as

QuestionsCategory: Civil EngineeringIf the value of uniformity coefficient of a soil sample is nearly equal to one. This sample will be designated as
VideRime Staff asked 4 years ago

If the value of uniformity coefficient of a soil sample is nearly equal to one. This sample will be designated as

a)well graded soil

b)uniformly graded soil

c)poorly graded soil

d)none of these

1 Answers
Best Answer
VideRime Staff answered 4 years ago
  • value of Cu greater than 4 for gravels and 6 for sand classifies the soil as well graded. ( According to USCS, Unified Soil Classification System)
  • When Cu is less than 4, it is classified as poorly graded or uniformly graded soil.
  • Uniformly graded soil has identical particles with Cu value approximately equal to 1 also called one grain size.
  • uniformity coefficient value of 2 or 3 classifies the soil as poorly graded.