Automobile Engineering Practice Set-2


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1. The difference between DOT 3 and DOT 4 brake fluids is
2. Highest useful compression ratio (HUCR) is the highest compression ratio at which the
3. For the same maximum pressure and temperature
4. Thinner is added to the paint in order to
5. In a petrol engine, the high voltage for spark plug is in the order of
6. The component in the radiator of an automobile that increases the boiling point of water is
7. The composition of the electrolyte in a fully charged battery is that
8. In comparison with a radial tyre, one advantage of a bias ply tyre is
9. The air gap between the central electrode and ground (or side) electrode of a spark plug is around
10. The compression ratio of a petrol engine is nearly



A Demrot is the founder of VideRime Online Learning, a leading engineering website. He did his BE Civil and M.Tech Structure from RGPV University, Bhopal and has been working as an Assistant Professor in a reputed college.

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