Surveying MCQs Practice Set

- In plane surveying,
- The curvature of the earth is taken into consideration
- The curvature of the earth is not taken into consideration (Ans)
- The surveys extend over small areas (Ans)
- The surveys extend over large areas
2. In geodetic surveying, the curvature of the earth is taken into consideration
- Agree (Ans)
- Disagree
- The curvature of the earth is taken into consideration if the limit of survey is
- 50 to 100 Km2
- 100 to 200 Km2
- 200 to 250 Km2
- More than 250 Km2 (Ans)
4.The difference is length between the arc and the subtended chord on the surface of the earth for a distance of 18.2 Km is only
- 10 mm (Ans)
- 30 mm
- 50 mm
- 100 mm
5.The difference between the sum of the angles of a spherical triangle on the earth’s surface and the angles of the corresponding plane triangle for every 195.5 Km2 of area is only
- 1 second (Ans)
- 5 second
- 10 second
- 1 second
6.In order to determine the natural features such as valleys, rivers, lakes etc., the surveying preferred is
- City surveying
- Location surveying
- Cadastral surveying
- Topographical surveying (Ans)
7.The surveying used to determine additional details such as boundaries of fields, is called
- City surveying
- Location surveying
- Cadastral surveying (Ans)
- Topographical surveying
8.The fundamental principle of surveying is to work from the
- Whole to the part (Ans)
- Part to the whole
- Lower level to higher level
- Higher level to lower level
9.The working from whole to the part is done in surveying in order to ensure that
- Survey work is completed ,ore quickly
- Number of errors is minimum
- Plotting is done more quickly
- Errors and mistakes of one portion do not affect the remaining portion (Ans)
10.When 1 cm on a map represents 10 m on the ground, the representative fraction of the scale is
- 1/10
- 1/100
- 1/1000 (Ans)
- 1/10000
11.The representative fraction 1/2500 means that the scale is
- 1 cm =0.25 m
- 1 cm = 2.5 m
- 1 cm = 25 m (Ans)
- 1 cm = 250 m
12.A plain scale is used to read
- One dimension
- Two dimensions (Ans)
- Three dimensions
- All of these
13.A diagonal scale is used to read……………… dimensions
- Two
- Three (Ans)
- Four
14.A scale which has a common representative fraction, but read in different measures, is called a
- Plain scale
- Diagonal scale
- Shrunk scale
- Comparative scale (Ans)
15.In a direct vernier, the smallest division of a vernier is…………………….the smallest division of its primary scale
- Equal to
- Shorter than (Ans)
- Longer than
16.In a retrograde vernier, the smallest division of a vernier is………………………… the smallest division of its primary scale.
- Equal to
- Shorter than
- Longer than (Ans)
17.If x is the the smallest division on the main scale and n are the number of divisions on a vernier, then the least count of the vernier is
- x + n
- x – n
- x * n
- x /n (Ans)
18.An average length of a pace is
- 60 cm
- 80 cm (Ans)
- 100 cm
- 120 cm
19.The method of measuring distance by pacing is chiefly used in
- Reconnaissance surveys (Ans)
- Preliminary surveys
- Location surveys
- All of these
20.An invar tape is generally used for accurate measurement of distance between it possesses…………coefficient of thermal expansion.
- Zero
- Low (Ans)
- High
21.The instrument attached to the wheel of a vehicle in order to measure the distance travelled, is called
- Passometer
- Pedometer
- Odometer (Ans)
- Speedometer
22.It is more convenient and gives better results while measuring horizontal distance………… stepping method.
- Down the hill (Ans)
- Up the hill
- In plane areas
23.Direct ranging is possible only when the end stations are
- Close to each other
- Not more than 100 m apart
- Mutually intervisible (Ans)
- Located at highest points in the sea
24.The error in measured length due to incorrect holding of chain is
- Compensating error (Ans)
- Cumulative error
- Instrumental error
- Negative error
25.When the length of chain used in measuring distance is longer than the standard length, the error in measured distance will be
- Positive error
- Negative error (Ans)
- Compensating error
- None of these
26.If a chain is used at a temperature……………….the temperature at which it was calibrated, the error in measured length is positive
- Equal to
- Lower than (Ans)
- Higher than
- If a chain is used at a temperature……………….the temperature at which it was calibrated, the error in measured length is negative
- Equal to
- Lower than
- Higher than (Ans)
28.The error in measured length sue to sag of chain or tape is known as
- Positive error (Ans)
- Negative error
- Compensating error
- Instrumental error
29.When the measured length is less than the actual length, the error is known as
- Positive error
- Negative error (Ans)
- Compensating error
- Instrumental error
30.The positive error makes the measured distance………………the actual distance.
- Less than
- More than (Ans)
31.When (h) is the difference in heights between the extremities of a chain length (l ), then the correction for slope required is
- h / l
- h2 / l
- h2 / 2l (Ans)
- h / 2l
32.Cumulative errors that occur in chaining are proportional to
- L (Ans)
- L
- 1/L
- L
L = length of the line
33.Compensating errors that occur in chaining are proportional to
- L
- L (Ans)
- 1/L
- L
L = length of the line
34.The tension, at which the effects of pull and sag for a tape are neutralized, is known as
- Initial tension
- Absolute tension
- Surface tension
- Normal tension (Ans)
35.A line joining the apex of a triangle to some fixed point on the opposite side is called a
- Check line (Ans)
- Tie line
- Base line
- None of these
- A line joining some fixed points on the main survey lines, is called a
- Check line
- Tie line (Ans)
- Base line
- None of these
37.A base line in a chain survey
- Checks the accuracy of the framework
- Enables the surveyor to locate the interior details which are far away from the main chain lines
- Fixes up the directions of all other lines (Ans)
- All of the above
38.A plumb bob is required
- When measuring distances along slopes in a hilly country
- For accurate centering of a theodolite over a station mark
- For testing the verticality of ranging poles
- All of the above (Ans)
39.Chain surveying is most suitable when
- Area to be surveyed is small
- Ground is fairly level and open with simple details
- Plans are required on a large scale
- All of the above (Ans)
40.Chain surveying consists of the arrangement of framework of triangles because a triangle is the only simple plane figure which can be plotted uniquely if………………of the triangle are known.
- Three sides (Ans)
- Three angles
- One side and two angles
- One angle and two sides
41.In a well conditioned triangle, no angle should be less than
- 30o (Ans)
- 40o
- 50o
- 60o
42.A check line in a chain surveying
- Checks the accuracy of the framework (Ans)
- Enables the surveyor to locate the interior details which are far away from the main chain lines
- Fixes up the directions of all other lines
- All of the above
43.A tie line in a chain surveying
- Checks the accuracy of the framework
- Enables the surveyor to locate the interior details which are far away from the main chain lines (Ans)
- Fixes up the directions of all other lines
- All of the above
44.When the position of a point is to be located accurately by a perpendicular offset, the direction of perpendicular is set out by means of
- Theodolite
- Optical square (Ans)
- Dumpy level
- Planimeter
45.The accuracy in laying down the perpendicular offsets and in measuring them depends upon
- Scale of plotting
- Length of offset
- Importance of the object
- All of these (Ans)
46.The limiting length of the offset is………………when its perpendicular direction is set out by an eye.
- 5 m
- 10 m
- 15 m (Ans)
- 20 m
47.The instrument used for setting out an offset at a right angle, is called
- Open cross-staff (Ans)
- French cross-staff
- Adjustable cross-staff
- Optical square
48.The Adjustable cross-staff is used for setting out an offset
- At an angle of 45o
- At an angle of 60o
- At a right angle
- At any angle (Ans)
49.For setting out an offset at an angle of 45o ,……………………cross-staff is used.
- Open
- French (Ans)
- Adjustable
50.An Open cross-staff is commonly used for setting out
- Short offsets
- Long offsets (Ans)
- Oblique offsets
- None of these
51.The angle of intersection of the horizon glass and index glass in an optical square is
- 30o
- 45o (Ans)
- 60o
- 75o
52.The horizon glass in an optical square is
- Wholly silvered
- Wholly unsilvered
- One-fourth silvered and three-fourth unsilvered
- Half silvered and half unsilvered (Ans)
53.The index galss in an optical square is
- Wholly silvered (Ans)
- Wholly unsilvered
- One-fourth silvered and three-fourth unsilvered
- Half silvered and half unsilvered
54.The optical square is used measure angles by
- Refraction
- Reflection (Ans)
- Double refraction
- Double Reflection
55.The instrument, belonging to a class of reflecting instrument, is
- Line ranger
- Box sextent
- Prismatic compass
- All of these (Ans)
56.In a n optical square, the angle between the first incident ray and the last reflected ray is
- 60o
- 90o (Ans)
- 120o
- 150o
57.When the object lies on the left hand side of the chain line, then while taking offset with an optical square, it is held in
- Left hand upside down
- Right hand upside down
- Left hand upright
- Right hand upright (Ans)
58.The angle between the reflecting surfaces of a prism square is
- 30o
- 45o (Ans)
- 60o
- 75o
59.The obstacle, which obstructs vision but not chaining , is a
- River
- Pond
- Hill (Ans)
- All of these
- The obstacle, which obstructs chaining but not vision, is a
- River (Ans)
- Hill
- Rising ground
- All of these
61.The building is an example of obstacle in which chaining and vision are both obstructed.
- Correct (Ans)
- Incorrect
63.In a prismatic compass, the zero of the graduated ring is located at
- North end
- South end (Ans)
- East end
- West end
64.The true or geographical meridians through the various stations
- Are parallel
- Converge to the poles (Ans)
- Converge from north pole to south pole
- Converge from south pole to north pole
65.The line in which the plane passing through the given point and the north and the south poles intersects the surface of the earth, is called
- Arbitrary meridian
- Magnetic meridian
- True meridian (Ans)
- None of these
66.The bearing observed with a prismatic compass is…………….of a line.
- Whole circle bearing (Ans)
- Quadrantal bearing
- The bearing observed with a surveyor’s compass is…………….of a line.
- Whole circle bearing
- Quadrantal bearing (Ans)
68.In a whole circle bearing system, S 25o 15’ E corresponds to
- 115o 15’
- 154o 45’ (Ans)
- 205o 15’
- 334o 45’
- In a whole circle bearing system, N 25o 15’ W corresponds to
- 115o 15’
- 154o 45’
- 205o 15’
- 334o 45’ (Ans)
70.If the fore bearing of a line is N 26o 35’ W , its back bearing will be
- S 26o 35’ E (Ans)
- S 25o 15’ W
- N 26o 35’ E
- N 53o 25’ W
71.When the whole circle bearing of two lines AB and AC are 115o and 41o respectively, then the included angle BAC will be
- 41o
- 74o (Ans)
- 115o
- 156o
72.The horizontal angle between the true meridian and a survey line is called
- Magnetic bearing
- Azimuth (Ans)
- Dip
- Magnetic declination
- The horizontal angle between the true meridian and magnetic meridian is known as
- True bearing
- Dip
- Local attraction
- Magnetic declination (Ans)
74.Due to the magnetic influence of the earth, the magnetic needle of the prismatic compass will be inclined downward towards the pole. This inclination of the needle with the horizontal is known as
- True bearing
- Dip (Ans)
- Local attraction
- Magnetic declination
75.At the equator, the amount of dip is
- 0o (Ans)
- 45o
- 60o
- 90o
76.The lines of earth’s magnetic field run from
- South to north
- North to south (Ans)
- East to west
- West to east
77.The lines passing through points at which the magnetic declination is equal at a given time are called
- Isogonic lines (Ans)
- Agonic lines
- Isoclinic lines
- None of these
78.The diurnal variation of the magnetic needle is………………..near the equator.
- More
- Less (Ans)
- The diurnal variation of the magnetic needle is more in……………… the same place.
- Summer than winter (Ans)
- Winter than summer
80.When the magnetic bearing of the sun at noon is 185o 20’ , the magnetic declination will be
- 5o 20’ east
- 5o 20’ west (Ans)
- 5o 20’ north
- 5o 20’ south
- When the magnetic declination is 5o 20’ east, the magnetic bearing of the sun at noon will be
- 95o 20’
- 174o 40’
- 185o 20’
- 354o 40’ (Ans)
- The magnetic bearing of a line is 55o 30’ and the magnetic declination is 4o 30’ west. The true bearing of a line will be
- 30o
- 34o 30
- 49o
- 51o (Ans)
- . The magnetic bearing of a line is S 35o 30’ E and the magnetic declination is 4o 10’ east. The true bearing of a line will be
- S 31o 30’ E (Ans)
- S 31o 30’ W
- S 39o 50’ E
- S 39o 50’ W
84.The theodolite is an instrument used for measuring very accurately
- Horizontal angles only
- Vertical angles only
- Horizontal and vertical angles (Ans)
- Linear measurements
85.The process of turning the telescope of a theodolite over its supporting axis through 180o in a vertical plane, is called
- Transiting
- Reversing
- Plunging
- Any one of these (Ans)
86.An imaginary line joining the point of intersection of the cross-hairs of the diaphragm and the optical centre of the object glass, is known as
- Fundamental line
- Axis of telescope
- Axis of level tube
- Line of collimation (Ans)
87.A line joining the optical centre of the object glass and the centre of the eye piece, is known as
- Fundamental line
- Axis of telescope (Ans)
- Axis of level tube
- Line of collimation
88.The Axis of telescope level must be………….to the line of collimation.
- Parallel (Ans)
- Perpendicular
89.In the surveying telescopes, cross hairs are fitted in
- Centre of the telescope
- Optical centre of the eye piece
- Front of the eye piece (Ans)
- Front of the objective
- In the surveying telescopes, diaphragm is held
- Inside the eye piece
- Inside the objective
- Nearer to the eye piece (Ans)
- Nearer to the objective
91.The image formed by the objective in the plane of cross hairs is
- Real and straight
- Real and inverted (Ans)
- Virtual and straight
- Virtual and inverted
92.An imaginary line tangential to the longitudinal curve of the level at the centre of the tube is called
- Horizontal axis
- Vertical axis
- Axis of the level tube (Ans)
- Line of collimation
93.An axis about which the telescope can be rotated in a horizontal plane, is called
- Horizontal axis
- Vertical axis (Ans)
- Axis of the level tube
- Line of collimation
94.When the image formed by the objective is not situated in the plane of cross-hairs,
- The cross-hairs should be adjusted
- The eye-piece should be focussed
- The objective should be focussed (Ans)
- The parallex should be removed
95.When the cross hairs are not clearly visible,
- The cross-hairs should be adjusted
- The eye-piece should be focused (Ans)
- The objective should be focussed
- The parallex should be removed
96.The capacity of a telescope of producing a sharp image is called its
- Definition (Ans)
- Brightness
- Sensitivity
- Magnification
97.The brightness of the image…………..the magnifying power
- Is directly proportional to
- Is inversely proportional to
- Varies directly as the square of
- Varies inversely as the square of (Ans)
98.The image produced by the telescope will be dull, if it has…………..magnification.
- Low
- High (Ans)
99.A low magnification of a telescope produces……………..image.
- Dull
- Bright (Ans)
100.The ratio of the focal length of the objective to that of an eye-piece of a telescope is called its
- Definition
- Brightness
- Sensitivity
- Magnification (Ans)
101.The power of a telescope to form distinguishable images of objects separated by small angular distance is called its
- Definition
- Brightness
- Sensitivity
- Resolving power (Ans)
102.In order to measure a horizontal angle more accurately than a vernier, a
- Method of repetition is used (Ans)
- Method of reiteration is used
- Method of deflection angles is used
- Method of double observations is used
103.An angle made by a survey line with the prolongation of the proceeding line, is known as
- Direct angle
- Vertical angle
- Horizontal angle
- Deflection angle (Ans)
104.A deflection angle in a traverse is equal to the
- Difference between the included angle and 180o (Ans)
- Difference between 360o and the included angle
- Sum of the included angle and 180o
- None of the above
105.The deflection angle may have any value between
- 0o and 45o
- 0o and 90o
- 0o and 120o
- 0o and 180o (Ans)
106.An angle measured clockwise from the proceeding survey line to the following survey line is called
- Direct angle (Ans)
- Vertical angle
- Horizontal angle
- Deflection angle
107.The deflection angle may be directly obtained by setting the instrument to read……………….on back station.
- 0o (Ans)
- 90o
- 180o
- 270o
108.The direct angles may have any value between
- 0o and 90o
- 0o and 120o
- 0o and 180o
- 0o and 360o (Ans)
109.In railway and highway works,the method of measuring the…………… generally employed.
- Direct angles
- Deflection angles (Ans)
110.An angle between the inclined line of sight and the horizontal is called
- Direct angle
- Vertical angle (Ans)
- Horizontal angle
- Deflection angle
111.The traversing by the method of deflection angles is chiefly used in
- Canals
- Highways
- Railways
- All of these (Ans)
112.The projection of a traverse line on a line perpendicular to the meridian is known as
- Latitude of the line
- Departure of the line (Ans)
- Bearing of the line
- Co-ordinate of the line
- The projection of a traverse line on a line parallel to the meridian is known as……………..of the line.
- Latitude (Ans)
- Departure
- Bearing
114.The latitude and departure of a traverse line are both positive when the whole circle bearing of the line lies in the
- First quadrant (Ans)
- Second quadrant
- Third quadrant
- Fourth quadrant
115.When the latitudes and departures are so adjusted that the algebraic sum of the latitudes and departures are equal to zero, the operation is called
- Balancing the latitude
- Balancing the departure
- Balancing the traverse (Ans)
- None of these
116.When the angular and linear measurements are equally precise in traversing, the balancing of a traverse is done by
- Transit rule
- Empirical rule
- Bowditch’s rule (Ans)
- Any one of these
- When the angular measurements of a traverse are more precise than the linear measurements, the balancing of a traverse is done by
- Transit rule (Ans)
- Empirical rule
- Bowditch’s rule
- Any one of these
118.The method of surveying used for determining the relative height of points on the surface of the earth is called
- Leveling (Ans)
- Simple leveling
- Longitudinal leveling
- Differential leveling
119.A surface which is normal to the direction of gravity at all points, as indicated by a plumb line, is known as
- Datum surface
- Level surface (Ans)
- Horizontal surface
- Vertical surface
120.An arbitrary surface with reference to which the elevation of points are measured and compared, is called
- Datum surface (Ans)
- Level surface
- Horizontal surface
- Vertical surface
121.A line normal to the plumb line at all points is known as
- Horizontal line
- Vertical line
- Level line (Ans)
- Line of collimation
122.The vertical distance above or below the datum is called
- Reduced level of the point
- Elevation of the point
- Height of the instrument
- Either (a) or (b) (Ans)
123.A back sight indicates the……………of the instrument.
- Shifting
- Setting up (Ans)
- Height
124.A fixed point of reference of known elevation is called
- Change point
- Station point
- Bench mark (Ans)
- Datum
125.An imaginary line tangential to the longitudinal curve of the bubble tube at its middle point is called
- Axis of telescope
- Axis of level tube (Ans)
- Level line
- Line of collimation
126.A staff reading taken on a bench mark or a point of known elevation is called
- Fore sight reading
- Back sight reading (Ans)
- Intermediate sight
- Any one of these
- A staff reading taken on a point whose elevation is to be determined as on a change point is called
- Fore sight reading (Ans)
- Back sight reading
- Intermediate sight
- None of these
128.The line of collimation should be……………..when staff readings are being taken
- Vertical
- Horizontal (Ans)
129.To find the true difference of level between two points, the level should be kept
- At either of the two points
- Exactly midway between the two points (Ans)
- At any point on the line joining the two points
- None of the above
130.The reduced level of the plane of collimation is………………height of instrument.
- Equal to (Ans)
- Less than
- Greater than
- The height of instrument is equal to
- Reduced level of bench mark + back sight (Ans)
- Reduced level of bench mark + fore sight
- Reduced level of bench mark + intermediate sight
- back sight + fore sight
132.A method of differential levelling is used in order to find the difference in elevation between two points when
- they are too far apart
- there are obstacles between them
- the difference in elevation between them is too great
- all of the above (Ans)
133.The collimation method for obtaining the reduced levels of points does not provide a check on
- fore sights
- back sights
- change points
- intermediate sights (Ans)
134.The rise and fall method for obtaining the reduced levels of points provides a check on
- fore sights only
- back sights only
- intermediate sights only
- all of these (Ans)
135.Collimation method is used in
- profile levelling (Ans)
- differential levelling
- check levelling
- both (a) and (b)
136.Rise and fall method is used in
- profile levelling (Ans)
- differential leveling (Ans)
- check leveling (Ans)
- none of these
137.The method of levelling in which the heights of mountains are found by observing the temperature at which water boils is known as
- barometric levelling
- reciprocal leveling
- longitudinal leveling
- hypometry (Ans)
138.In levelling, the effect of refraction may be taken as………………..of that due to curvature.
- One-half
- One-third
- One-fifth
- One-seventh (Ans)
- In levelling, the correction for curvature (in metres) is equal
- 00785 D 2
- 0785 D 2 (Ans)
- 0112 D 2
- 0673 D 2
Where D = Distance from the level to the staff reading in kilometers.
- . In levelling, the correction for combined curvature and refraction (in metres) is equal to
- 00785 D 2
- 0785 D 2
- 0112 D 2
- 0673 D 2 (Ans)
141.The error which is not completely eliminated in reciprocal levelling , is
- Error due to curvature
- Error due to refraction (Ans)
- Error due to non-adjustment of the line of collimation
- Error due to non-adjustment of bubble tube
142.The line joining the points having the same elevation above the datum surface, is called a
- Contour surface
- Contour line (Ans)
- Contour interval
- Contour gradient
143.The Contour interval depends upon the
- Nature of the ground
- Scale of map
- Purpose and extent of survey
- All of these (Ans)
144.The vertical distance between any two consecutive contours is called
- Vertical equivalent
- Horizontal equivalent
- Contour interval (Ans)
- Contour gradient
145.The horizontal distance between any two consecutive contours is called
- Vertical equivalent
- Horizontal equivalent (Ans)
- Contour interval
- Contour gradient
146.The contour lines can cross one another on map only in the case of
- A vertical cliff
- A valley
- A ridge
- An overhanging cliff (Ans)
147.When several contours coincide, it indicates
- A vertical cliff (Ans)
- A valley
- A ridge
- A saddle
148.Contours lines cross ridge or valley lines at
- 30o
- 4o
- 60o
- 90o (Ans)
149.The reduced level of a point on the ground is called
- Spot level
- Spot height
- Either (a) or (b) (Ans)
- None of these
150.In route surveys, the most suitable method of contouring is
- By squares
- By radial lines
- By cross-sections (Ans)
- By tacheometer
151.The tacheometer method of contouring is particularly suitable
- When a contoured map of hill is required (Ans)
- When the area is not very extensive
- In surveys of roads or railways
- All of these
152.The spacing of cross-sections in a hilly country is usually
- 5 m
- 10 m
- 15 m
- 20 m (Ans)
153.In indirect method of contouring, the best method of interpolation of contours is
- By graphical method
- By estimation
- By arithmetical calculation (Ans)
- All of these
154.The method of surveying in which field work and plotting work are done simultaneously, is called
- Compass surveying
- Levelling
- Plane tabling (Ans)
- Chain surveying
155.In plane tabling, the instrument used to measure horizontal and vertical distances directly, is known as
- Plane alidade
- Telescopic alidade (Ans)
- Tacheometer
- Clinometers
156.The plane table surveying is
- Most suitable for preparing small-scale maps
- Particularly advantageous in magnetic areas
- Less costly than a theodolite survey
- All of the above (Ans)
157.The operation of turning the table so that all the lines on the paper are parallel to the corresponding lines on the ground, is called
- Levelling
- Centering
- Setting
- Orientation (Ans)
158.The plotting of small areas which can be commanded from a single station, is usually done on the plane table by the method of
- Radiation (Ans)
- Intersection
- Traversing
- Resection
159.The method of intersection in plane tabling is commonly used for
- Locating the distant and inaccessible points
- Locating the broken boundsries
- Locating the points which may be used subsequently as the instrument stations
- All of the above (Ans)
160.The method of plane tabling commonly used for establishing the instrument stations only, is a
- Method of radiation
- Method of intersection
- Method of traversing
- Method of resection (Ans)
161.When the centres of the arcs lie on the opposite sides of the common tangent at the junction of the two curves, it is known as a
- Simple curve
- Vertical curve
- Compound curve
- Reverse curve (Ans)
162.The degree of the curve is the angle subtended by a chord of…………length.
- 15 m
- 20 m
- 25 m
- 30 m (Ans)
163.When R is the radius of the curve ( in metres ) , D is the degree of curve (in degrees) and length of the chord is 30 m, then the relation between R and D is
- R = 1520/ D
- R = 1720/ D (Ans)
- R = 4500/ D
- R = 5400/ D
164.The angle between the back tangent and forward tangent of a curve is known as
- Deflection angle
- Central angle
- Angle of intersection (Ans)
- None of these
165.The angle by which the forward tangent deflects from the back tangent of a curve is called
- Deflection angle (Ans)
- Central angle
- Angle of intersection
- None of these
166.A deflection angle is
- Less than 90o
- More than 90o but less than 180o
- equal to the difference between the angle of intersection and 180o
- equal to the difference between the angle of intersection and360o
167.The length of peg interval for flat curves is
- 15 m
- 20 m
- 25 m
- 30 m (Ans)
168.When the length of a chord is less than the peg interval, it is known as
- Small chord
- Short chord
- Sub-chord (Ans)
- Normal chord
169.Two theodolite method of setting out a curve involves
- Linear measurements only
- Angular measurements only (Ans)
- Both linear and angular measurements
- None of these
170.A curve of varying radius is known as
- Simple curve
- Compound curve
- Reverse curve
- Transition curve (Ans)
171.The curve used for ideal transition curve is a
- Cubic parabola
- Clothoid spiral
- Cubic spiral
- Lemniscates (Ans)
172.The perpendicular offset from a tangent to the junction of transition curve and circular curve is equal to
- L /6R
- L /24R
- L2 /6R (Ans)
- L2 /24R
Where L = Length of the transition curve, and
R = Radius of the circular curve.
173.The shift of a curve is equal to
- L /6R
- L /24R
- L2 /6R (Ans)
- L2 /24R (Ans)
- The shift of a curve is………………….The perpendicular offset from a tangent to the junction of transition curve and circular curve.
- Equal to
- One-half
- One-third
- One-fourth (Ans)
175.A branch of surveying in which the horizontal and vertical distances of points are obtained by instrumental observations, is known as
- Chain surveying
- Plane table surveying
- Tacheometric surveying (Ans)
- Hydrographic surveying
176.A stadia telescope, in a tacheometric, is fitted with
- Two additional vertical hairs
- Two additional horizontal hairs
- Cross hairs only (Ans)
- All of these
177.The principle of tacheometry is used
- For locating contours
- On Hydrographic surveys
- For filling in detail in topographic surveys
- All of these (Ans)
178.The amount of super-elevation on railways is equal to
- gv2 /GR
- Gv2 /gR (Ans)
- GR / gv2
- gR / Gv2
Where G = Distance between the centres of the rails in metres,
R = Radius of the curve in metres, and
V = Speed of the vehicle in m/s.
179.In the above question, the expression v2 / gR is called
- Radial acceleration
- Centrifugal force
- Centrifugal ratio (Ans)
- Super-elevation
180.The multiplying constant for the tacheometer is
- f/I (Ans)
- i/f
- f/d
- f+d
where f = focal length of the objective
I = interval between the stadia lines or hairs, and
d= horizontal distance from the optical centre to the vertical axis of the tacheometer.
181.The additive constant for the tacheometer is
- f/I
- i/f
- f/d
- f+d (Ans)
- The multiplying constant for the tacheometer is, generally, kept as
- 20
- 40
- 60
- 100 (Ans)
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