Difference between Determinate and Indeterminate Structure
Determinate structure | Indeterminate structure |
1. When all forces in a structure is determined from equilibrium equations, the structure is known as statically determinate. | When the unknown forces in a structure are more than the available equilibrium equations, that structure is known as statically indeterminate structure. |
2. Support will not develop moment and horizontal force to prevent collapse. | Support will develop moment and horizontal force to prevent collapse. |
3. No load redistribution. | Tendency to redistribute load. |
4. Bending moment and shear force at any section of beam is independent of material property and cross section of the structure | Bending moment and shear force at any section of beam is depends on material property and cross section of the structure. |
5. No stresses due to lack of fit and temperature variations. | Stresses caused due to lack of fit and temperature variations. |
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