Difference between WSM(Working Stress Method) and LSM(Limit StateMethod)

S.NO. | Working Stress Method(WSM) | Limit State Method(LSM) |
1. | Follow Hooks law i.e. stress-strain diagram is linear. | Does not follow Hooks law, hence stress-strain diagram is non linear. |
2. | All tensile stresses are taken by steel only and not by concrete. | The tensile strength of concrete is ignored. |
3. | Factor of safety is used. | Here partial safety factors are used. |
4. | It is based on deterministic approach i.e. original behavior of structure under real applied loads. | It is based on probabilistic approach to design. |
5. | Here material strength is underestimated and loads are working loads. | Here material strength is underestimated and loads are generally working loads with extra safety i.e. overestimated. |
6. | WSM satisfies serviceability criteria but highly uneconomical. | Major concern is Safety and Serviceability before failure. |
7. | The plane section before bending remains plane after bending means stress-strain diagram linear. | Plane section before bending remains plane after bending means only strain diagram is linear. |
8. | Non-Cracking zone is generally considered. | Cracking Zone is considered. |
9. | There is a need of modular ratio. | There is no need of modular ratio. |
10. | Stresses from working loads are compared with permissible stresses. | Stresses obtained from design loads are compared with design strength. |
11. | It is based on elastic theory. | It is based on plastic theory. |
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