Highway Engineering MCQs Practice Set

1.The term used for major or important roads of a country is

  • Country road
  • Urban road
  • Highway (Ans)
  • None of these

2.A road connecting two towns is called a

  • Country road (Ans)
  • Urban road
  • Highway
  • None of these

3.The portion of a road surface, which is used by vehicular traffic, is known as

  • Carriage-way (Ans)
  • Shoulder
  • Express way
  • All of these

4.The city roads which are meant for through traffic usually on a continuous route are known as

  • Carriage-way
  • Express way
  • Arterial streets (Ans)
  • Sub- Arterial streets

5.The central portion of a road for high speed vehicles is known as

  • Motor way (Ans)
  • Express way (Ans)
  • Carriage-way
  • Shoulder

6.Carriage-way is protected by ………………… wide shoulders.

  • 5 to 1.25m
  • 25 to 2m (Ans)
  • 2 to 4m
  • 4 to 6m

7.The roads connecting capital cities of states is called

  • National highway
  • Express way
  • State highway (Ans)
  • Capital highway

8.In Telford construction, the side portions were made up of only one layer of broken stones and levelled off to give a camber not greater than

  • 1 in 40
  • 1 in 60 (Ans)
  • 1 in 80
  • 1 in 120

9.The camber, for the drainage of surface water, was first introduced by

  • Telford
  • Tresaguet (Ans)
  • Sully
  • Macadam

10.In water-bound Macadam roads

  • Small broken stones are laid in two layers
  • Voids between the stones are filled by stone dust
  • Camber for drainage is given at the formation level itself
  • All of the above (Ans)

11.The total annual cost of highway transportation (A) may be expressed as

  • A=B-CN
  • A=B+CN
  • A=B/CN (Ans)
  • A=CN/B

Where                     B= Annual cost of highway,

C= Annual cost of vehicle operation(single vehicle), and

N= Total number of vehicles on the road per year.

12.the unit cost of transportation (AU) on a section of the highway may roughly be calculated by

  • A=AL/N
  • AU=AN/L
  • AU=A/NL (Ans)
  • AU=A.N.L

Where                     L= Length of the highway in kilometres.

13.In order to give satisfactory service throughout the year, the road surface should

  • Have a good carriage-way
  • Have smooth gradient
  • Have a good wearing surface
  • All of these (Ans)

14.The top of the ground on which the foundation of road rests, is called

  • Sub-grade (Ans)
  • Soling
  • Base
  • Wearing layer

15.The foundation of a road is also called

  • Soling
  • Base
  • Either(a) or(b) (Ans)
  • None of these

16.The super structure of a road is called

  • Wearing layer
  • Wearing course
  • Road surfacing
  • Any one of these (Ans)

17.When the bearing capacity of soil is poor and the intensity of traffic is high, an additional layer is provided between the soling and sub-grade. This additional layer is called

  • Wearing layer
  • Sub-base (Ans)
  • Road surfacing
  • All of these

18.The thickness of base, in no case, should be more than

  • 10cm
  • 15cm
  • 20cm
  • 30cm (Ans)

19.The highest point on road surface is called

  • Crown (Ans)
  • Camber
  • Gradient
  • Berm

20.The function of a road base is to transmit load of the traffic from the ……………………. to the subgrade.

  • Soling
  • Surfacing (Ans)

21.The road surfacing should be

  • Impervious
  • Durable
  • Stable
  • All of these (Ans)

22.The slope of the line joining the crown and edge of the road surface is known as

  • Cross-fall
  • Cross-slope
  • Camber
  • Any one of these (Ans)

23.A camber of 1 in 30means that for a 30m wide road,the crown of the road will be …………. Above the edge of the road.

  • 5m
  • 1m (Ans)

24.The thickness of road surfacing depends upon the

  • Type of traffic
  • Intensity of traffic
  • Type of material
  • All of these (Ans)

25.The main object of providing a camber is

  • To make the road surface impervious
  • To make the road surface durable
  • To drain off rain water from road surface, as quickly as possible (Ans)
  • All of the above

26.In scanty rainfall areas, the camber provided will be

  • Flatter (Ans)
  • Steeper
  • Zero
  • None of these

27.On kankar road, the camber generally provided is

  • 1 in 24 to 1 in 30 (Ans)
  • 1 in 30 to 1 in 48
  • 1 in 48 to 1 in 60
  • 1 in 60 to 1 in 80

28.The shape of the camber provided for cement concrete pavement is

  • Straight line (Ans)
  • Parabolic
  • Elliptical
  • None of these
  1. A barrel camber consists of
  • Two straight slopes joining at the centre
  • Two straight slopes with a parabolic crown in the centre
  • A continuous curve either parabolic or elliptical (Ans)
  • None of the above

30.A camber consisting of two straight slopes joining at the centre is called

  • Barrel camber
  • Sloped camber (Ans)
  • Composite camber
  • None of these

31.The camber recommended for water bound macadam roads in

  • 1 in 24 to 1 in 30
  • 1 in 30 to 1 in 48 (Ans)
  • 1 in 48 to 1 in 60
  • 1 in 60 to 1 in 80

32.The camber of road should be approximately equal to ………….. the longitudinal gradient

  • One-half (Ans)
  • Two times
  • Three times
  • Four times

33.The inward tilt given to the cross-section of the road surface, throughout the length of the horizontal curve, is known as

  • Super-elevation
  • Cant
  • Banking
  • All of these (Ans)

34.The raising of outer edge of the road above the inner edge is known as

  • Super-elevation
  • Cant
  • Banking
  • All of these (Ans)
  1. Super-elevation is expressed as
  • The difference of heights of two edges of the carriage-way to the width of the carriage-way (Ans)
  • The difference of radii of curves
  • The difference of the road gradients
  • None of the above

36.The main advantage of providing Super-elevation is

  • To decrease the intensity of stresses on the foundation
  • To increase the stability of the fast moving vehicles, when they negotiate a horizontal curve
  • To achieve higher speed of vehicles
  • All of the above (Ans)

37.In the absence of Super-elevation on road along curves, pot holes are likely to occur at the ……………………. Of the road.

  • Centre
  • Outer edge (Ans)
  • Inner edge

38.To prevent the overturning of a bullock cart on curves, the maximum value of Super-elevation as prescribed by the Indian Roads Congress is

  • 1 in 5
  • 1 in 10
  • 1 in 15 (Ans)
  • 1 in 20

39.The Super-elevation is

  • Directly proportional to the velocity of vehicles (Ans)
  • Inversely proportional to the velocity of vehicles
  • Directly proportional to the width of pavement
  • Inversely proportional to the width of pavement

40.If the width of carriage way is 10m and the outer edge is 40cm higher than the inner edge, then the Super-elevation required is

  • 1 in 25 (Ans)
  • 1 in 100
  • 1 in 400
  • None of these

41.The rate of rise or fall of the road surface along its length, is called

  • Cant
  • Super-elevation
  • Gradient (Ans)
  • Banking

42.If the difference of levels between two points A and B is 1 metre and their distance apart is 50     metres, the gradient is said to be

  • 1 in 50 or 2% (Ans)
  • 1 in 5 or 20%
  • 1 in 20 or 5%
  • None of these

43.The equilibrium Super-elevation is given by

  • V2/R
  • V2/g.R
  • V2/127R (Ans)
  • None of these

44.The maximum rate of Super-elevation(e) is given by

  • e= V2/225R (Ans)
  • e= V2/424R
  • e= V2/540R
  • e= V2/1000R

45.The gradient of a road depends upon the

  • nature of traffic
  • nature of ground
  • rainfall of the locality
  • all of these (Ans)

46.Roads only meant for slow moving traffic …………. Have very steep gradient.

  • Must
  • Must not (Ans)

47.The steepest gradient which is to be permitted on the road is called

  • Maximum gradient
  • Limiting gradient
  • Both(a) and (b) (Ans)
  • None of these

48.The value of maximum gradient for hill roads is

  • 1 in 5
  • 1 in 10
  • 1 in 15 (Ans)
  • 1 in 20

49.The suitable gradient within which the engineer must endeavour to design the road is called

  • Limiting gradient
  • Ruling gradient (Ans)
  • Average gradient
  • Exceptional gradient


A Demrot is the founder of VideRime Online Learning, a leading engineering website. He did his BE Civil and M.Tech Structure from RGPV University, Bhopal and has been working as an Assistant Professor in a reputed college.

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