Strength of Materials MCQs Set-1


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1. Modulus of rigidity is defined as the ratio of

2. In a thin cylindrical shell, the ratio of longitudinal stress to hoop stress is

3. The behaviour of metals under the action of cyclic stresses is termed as

4. Which of the following statement is correct with reference to the curved beam theory?

5. When a rectangular beam is loaded transversely, the maximum compressive stress develops on

6. If a material has identical properties in all directions, it is said to be

7. A thin flat ring is rotating at a speed v. The circumferential stress induced is given by

8. A beam encastered at both the ends is known as

9. If all the dimensions of a prismatic bar are doubled, then the maximum stress produced in it under its own weight will

10. If the principle stresses in plane stress problem are σ1= 100 MPa, σ2= 40 MPa, the magnitude of max shear stress (in MPa) will be



A Demrot is the founder of VideRime Online Learning, a leading engineering website. He did his BE Civil and M.Tech Structure from RGPV University, Bhopal and has been working as an Assistant Professor in a reputed college.

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