Author: VideRime


Group efficiency of Pile

The group efficiency of a pile refers to the ratio of the load-carrying capacity of a pile group to the sum of the individual capacities of the piles in that group. It is used to assess how effectively the group of piles can support the structure compared to the combined...


RGPV Diploma 5th Sem Previous Question Paper Estimating Costing and Valuation Dec 2024

Course ContentUnit – I Fundamentals of Estimating and Costing Estimating and Costing – Meaning, purpose, Administrative approval, Technical Sanction andBudget provision. Types of estimates – Approximate and Detailed estimate. Types and Uses of Estimates: Revised estimate, Supplementary estimate, Repair and mainte-nance estimate, renovation estimate. Roles and responsibility of Estimator. Checklist...


Basilisk Self-Healing Concrete

New Self-Healing Concrete Self-healing concrete is an innovative advancement in construction materials that addresses the common issue of cracking in traditional concrete. The latest development in this field is the Basilisk Self-Healing Concrete, which incorporates bacteria into the concrete mix. This bacteria has the unique ability to produce limestone, effectively sealing...


What is Seepage Pressure in Geotechnical Engineering?

Seepage Pressure Seepage pressure is a critical concept in soil mechanics, particularly when analyzing the behavior of saturated soils under the influence of water flow. It refers to the pressure exerted by water as it moves through soil pores, which can significantly affect the effective stress within the soil mass....